Learning Style

The results of my learning style survey did surprise me. I was a hands-on learner. I thought I would be more of an auditory
learner than I am. I am primarily a hands-on learner and I probably did not realize this because
I don’t often learn this way. For instance when I was homeschooled, all of my work was online
and so I never got a chance to try the hands on approach. I probably thought I was a more
auditory learner because I learned that way a lot in my past and that is what I am used to. I was
not aware of my primary learning style. It makes sense thinking about it now as I learn hands-
on in my everyday life. For example, I always try to put a toy together first before reading
directions, and in basketball when someone explains a move to me, I usually ask them if they
can show me. After they show me, I try to imitate them and then ask,
“Like this?”
I learned that my handwriting deteriorates when the space becomes smaller. I now can
see this as I prefer writing in the middle of the page, disliking the beginning and the end of
writing on a paper. I like writing on thick pieces of paper because it rips when it is too thin. I also
learned that I remember what was done over what was said. I can see this active in my coping
mechanisms. I usually do not feel something based on what someone says but more so based
on their body language and their expressions. I would also say I found out that I attack problems
impulsively. I can see this in my life as I have surges of trying methods out, let's take math for
example. In math when I see a problem I first try to do it. Once this first impulse doesn’t work, I
read small bits of the directions and try to apply them. After the surges dial down, I get
unengaged, staring at the sheet before impulsively trying something else out. Eventually I just
impulsively pick an answer that feels good because doing all that work and not coming to an
answer was overwhelming.
Now that I know I am a hands-on learner I can change my classes by getting engaged.
For instance in pre-calculus I can make real life replicas of what the function is representing. In
Language arts class I can act out the play or have a real life conversation about the play with
someone. For example in bible class we are learning about judgment. I learned about this
concept best when I saw real life examples of it. For example when I talk to my coach he calls
me out when I say something in a judgemental manner. This helps me discern situations along
with the meaning and feel of what the quote is saying.