Servant Leadership
A particular event, situation, or interaction that demonstrated my servant leadership was when I was at the gym and some of the guys left their water bottles at the facility. I really felt like leaving them there but I picked them up because I realized we were blessed to have a gym and I was the one in charge of making sure it was respected and stayed nice. The part of this that shows I am a servant leader is that I showed in my actions what we should do and I humbled myself to realize that this will impact the guys later in life. For example if they are at work, things like not picking up after yourself and trashing a place are taken seriously and this reflects on your character. The part of this that was selfless is that nobody saw me picking up the trash and I could have easily left it for the custodian. I took responsibility though even if I may have felt like it was all their fault. The part of this which promotes the kingdom is that this action demonstrated all the fruits of the spirit. For example it shows love, peace, and self control rather than anger, resentment, and payback.
Other times where I show my servant leadership is simply by how I live. For example in class if someone was to watch my heart they would see that in everything I do I believe it is good. I show that I am a trustworthy steward by bringing my stuff to class and trying my best at my assignments. I show that I am a selfless influencer by the interactions that I have. For example I make conscious efforts to talk to kids who nobody talks to because although it may be annoying for me, it could seriously impact their day and their life. Another way I am a selfless influencer is by the way I share. I used to be an introvert not talking to people but I realized that some people could be seriously impacted by me simply sharing the truth. At times I may be vulnerable in hopes that someone else could resonate or be comforted. I showcase being a kingdom promoter by my spirit. Recently I have been focused on my heart and I have come to realize that my spirit of having joy and peace could impact someone. I promote the kingdom by choosing love over hate and by repenting when I am wrong.