Honorable Scholar

A moment in my high school career where I was an honorable scholar was when I just kept trying. I was struggling in math but I did not quit. What I did instead was get a tutor. The truth is that I don’t care about math and so it would be easy for me to cheat and copy off of someone but I realized that it will only hurt me in the long run. There will be moments in my life where I won’t want to do something and I won’t see the point but I will have to do it anyways. The part that is honorable is that I tried my best and did not give in to my fleshly desires. I was also an effective communicator as I told my coach that I was struggling in math and that I told my teacher I am not confident. I still would want to communicate more and share my emotions but this is a step for me as before I would’ve said anything and would have tried to sweep it under the rug. The part of this situation where I was a self directed learner was that I went home and worked on the equations, trying to figure it out myself. I feel it is very easy for me to let someone else do the work for me and not actually let the work get to me. In trying to figure it out myself, my brain was challenged to think for itself and problem solve. The part of this that I am working on is not doing the work on my own strength. I am working on leaning on God to do the work and asking him to help me through it. Being honorable is all about the heart and your intentions. For instance I say that I believe in Jesus so going to him for help above all else is honorable. Even If I would have gone to all of the worldly resources and help, the part I think is most honorable is realizing that I could not do it on my own and asking God to take the lead. This will help me in life as putting pride aside and humility come into play. There may be totally different situations later in life that require the same tools to overcome. For example I did not know how to allocate my money. I could try to do it all myself but that would eventually kill me. I could trust someone else but they are fleshly so they will inevitably make mistakes. In this same situation, I should trust in God because he is worried about heavenly things. At this point I may just give away the money because it is not worth the hassle.