Faithful Follower
A moment in my high school career where I fulfilled being a faithful follower of Christ was when my teammate was having a bad day and I prayed for him. I was out of my comfort zone because I never know what to say when someone is down and out and I feel like I have to do something perfect. He had broken up with his girlfriend and I simply didn’t know what to tell him. I put all of my self doubt to the side and trusted that the holy spirit would tell me what to say. This day I was being a faithful follower and it allowed me to take this path of giving things to God and letting him work. This was big for me because many times I have taken the path of inaction, ignoring a problem and hoping it goes away.
One example of confronting a problem was when I was in weightlifting class , and we were doing a circuit of lunge jumps and tuck jumps. The guys were tired and some were quitting. Normally I would say things like come on or just focus on me getting better. This time I said help us Jesus and I said that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. This was another time when I was being faithful to Christ because I felt as if our focus had moved away from God. On a normal day, I would have said the safe thing, remaining comfortable and looking like I'm helping others. This time I said the thing that I actually thought would help them, but which made me vulnerable. I did fear a negative response, that people might think I'm weird but I remained faithful to Christ by yielding to the spirit and accepting whatever comes with it. The guys actually liked what I was saying and the intensity improved.
A final time when I was being a faithful follower of Christ was when I confronted another problem. My first instinct when people say things that are not of God is to hide and try to ignore it. I realize that God has called me to action and so standing idly by won’t cut it. There was a time where there were a group of guys talking about being gay and they tried to add me into the conversation. I told them I wasn’t gay, but this wasn’t enough, so I added that God loves them. They stopped talking about being gay after that. The funny thing was that I went home and learned about spiritual battles. I helped bring forth the kingdom that day by fighting for the things of God. This was a big step in being faithful to God because I was so afraid of rejection and setting a standard. The fact that I was willing to be disliked or outcast for the sake of my dignity is something that took a lot of faith, believing that God sees and the battle is much bigger than it seems.